"There are many things people have claimed can not be true any yet nearly all of them have ether been true to begin with or made true by those stubborn enough to ignore them."-Scientist 666 (End Times)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A monologue from "Vampretina"

Okay so this is the first big monologue I've written for a play so tell me what you think! I don't really know what background you might need on this so if you find it confusing just ask me! Oh except that Titus just called her deranged.
I am not deranged! And just because I don't want to be a killer doesn't mean I'm not a descent vampire ether. I mean--in theory of cores--if you're looking at it from the prey's perspective vampires are the least bad thing to be eaten by because--besides insects and small birds--vampires are really one of the only living--or semi-living--thing that has the ability to feed without killing. And I don't just mean killing animals, you have to kill plants to eat them too.
The only reason most humans don't think like this is because the vampires that do kill make themselves more widely known. Not to mention that as history has shown that it is the vary worst of a grope that becomes the stereotype for them all. And what dose it do? It only brings hate, it is what has started every war in one form or another. If only it was the good and kind ones that represented the gropes? Then what wold the world be like? If people simply remembered the good and not the bad then maybe, just maybe, we could all live in peace. All humans and all vampires, living side by side in peace. This is my true dream.

I wrote this in just a matter of minutes because these really are my views and I was relieved to finally have a character who could pull them off!

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